Monday, January 25, 2010

How Do You Feel Today? (Part 1)

The information I received this weekend made my head spin! When I heard what is in our food and water, I became nauseous. Then I learned that when the USDA certifies food as organic, they place a minimum standard on it. Did you know that the definition of "free-range" is this: chickens that are kept in coops must be allowed access to a plot of land, and that plot of land is a 5 foot by 5 foot patch of dirt... and that the "free-range" is only allowed when the door of the coop is open, which actually is not often? Did you know that cows that are considered organically raised must have "access" to the outdoors, but that "access" is only a window through which light shines? And all along I believed that the chickens and cows that produced the food I consume were being allowed to peck and graze in a grassy meadow all day and breathe fresh air…

Did you know that bottled water is nothing more than tap water! Did you also know that water contains chemicals I can't even pronounce, let alone remember!? And that same water is loaded with prescription medications such as antidepressants, antibiotics, and countless others that have been improperly disposed of? I don't know about you, but personally, I am attempting to get OFF of my medications! I don't need this stuff gaining re-entry to my body!

We live in a world where everything we touch, or touches us, is toxic. We live in a world where we are led to believe that the food that we put in our bodies is good and healthy for us, and is clean. I LOVE to eat! Food is one of the great pleasures in my life. I love the medley of flavor and texture on my tongue. I love that "party in my mouth" experience! I have no plans to give up food! But what if I did give up food, knowing what I know now? Wouldn't I starve? Probably. But the truth is, even if you don't give up food, you're starving anyway. Want to know why? Because fruits and vegetables grown today are nutritionally bankrupt. The vitamin and mineral content has become depleted, because produce is grown in soil that is dirty. Okay, stop right there. I'm not even making a joke. It's dirty because it's over-farmed. It's dirty due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers. I heard an interesting story from a marine yesterday. He said that while he was stationed overseas, he was given processed food for meals, which included some sort of meat product. The soldiers thought it would be a cool experiment to take that meat and toss it onto the ground. Do you know what he said next? He said that over time, the meat never rotted, and there was never as much as one bug on that meat. Now seriously, if bugs won't even eat that meat, you think I'm getting anywhere near it?


  1. Going to my local Farmer's Market and getting to know the local organic farmers there has helped a lot. Plus having a small organic garden myself. I have been blessed to know about these issues, including cleansing and superfoods, for years. Glad to see more people are finally getting and distributing the information- thank you!

  2. Nadine, there is so much being withheld from us. Everyone needs to step forward with new information as they learn it, and share it with everyone. I am still learning myself!

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