Saturday, January 30, 2010

Excuses (Part 2)

What exactly is a valid excuse? I can think of a handful of “valid” excuses for not taking action steps toward building my business – the earth cracked open and swallowed me up; the mushroom cloud over my house terminated my internet connection; or other more devastating scenarios I will not offer up to the universe right now, or ever, for that matter. So really, I have no valid excuse for not taking one baby step toward reaching my goals. It got me thinking about the excuses I have been using for not stepping it up a bit regarding my journey to better health.

I consume the best, most pure nutrition on the planet. I’ve released 30 pounds so far, and what an accomplishment that is for me! But I haven’t yet “kicked it up a notch”, as they say. I should really be moving, exercising, getting my blood circulating. I could go for a walk, but I don’t have time. Yoga! I could do yoga in my living room, but not on the rug my dog peed on recently. My mentor and friend, Mindy, asked me the other day if I belonged to a gym. Of course not! I’m not stepping foot in a stinky gym and standing in line for a treadmill or a weight machine. It’s counter-productive to my goal to just stand there. I can sit on my sofa and get the same result! Mindy asked me what my next step was. I just blurted out “I’m going to start walking, and I’ll start with 15 minutes”. But oh how I detest the city-zoned, man-made walking trails in my neighborhood (I’m talking about the sidewalks). Put me on a rocky and challenging hiking trail in Sedona and you’ve got my attention. But cement trails that wind around a suburban neighborhood just isn’t spiritually uplifting to me.

But I made the claim. I can’t go back on my word. It is not in my nature to do so. So I must live up to the claim stated to Mindy and to the universe, to the promise I made to myself. So this morning I did it. I took a walk. A 22-minute walk. This is a big deal for me, so please don’t judge me for walking for only 22 minutes, and not 22 miles. I exceeded my goal. It’s a step in the right direction. It’s a baby step. I’m making progress. I’m not making excuses.

Excuses (Part 1)

A week ago I dined with millionaires. It wasn’t intimidating at all, really! I sat there, hungry as all get out because I hadn’t eaten since 7:00 that morning. At 12:30 I sat down at a table. Staring back at me was a lovely little dinner roll partnered with a teaspoon of perfectly rounded and slightly ruffled butter. The dinner roll was mocking me as I waited patiently for my table to fill before lifting it off the plate and devouring it. A lovely couple sat next to me and my husband and introduced themselves. Then two lovely people sat across from us (those were the millionaires of which I was speaking). Everyone chit-chatted. All I wanted to do was eat. Soup was served, but I was pretty sure I wouldn’t like the soup. So I tucked into the bread. The millionaire sitting across from me was asking me why I hadn’t built up my business more than I had. She was offering advice, I was offering excuses. I couldn’t think – I was famished! When is lunch going to be served?

The more little tidbits of advice she offered, the more excuses I offered. In retrospect, perhaps I should have listened intently and taken copious notes. Because she is, after all, a self-made millionaire. “Are you working with your upline sponsors?” she asked. “No, I’m not because I don’t have time” (oh, good one, yeah, what else do you have?). “Are you on the weekly team calls?” “Well, no” I answered, “those long distance calls are expensive, and we’re down to only one job” (you go girl, you’re on a roll!). “Don’t you have a flat-rate calling plan?” And by now I’m getting ticked off, because all I’ve had to eat was bread and water. I’m still waiting for the main course. She tells me to get the Magic Jack and that will reduce my monthly bill. 

With every excuse I offered as to why I hadn’t gotten into action, I felt myself floating up out of my body looking down at this pathetic looser wearing my new size ten slacks, looking pretty slick, if I do say so myself. I hear this floating person ask (what else you got, come on, you’re really good at this, lay another excuse on her!). I don’t know what floating Beth is talking about! These are valid excuses! (that’s it, that’s the winner – a “valid” excuse, oh stop, you’re killing me!) . Lunch is served, but would you believe that it’s the same salad I ate the day before that gave me an upset stomach? I’m outta here. I can’t eat this, I need some decent protein.

It took three days for it to sink in. Valid excuses – seriously?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Journey of a Lifetime

I've been shaking my life up lately. Over the past five years I've been on a journey of spirit and health. Not so much a quest - an intention to seek, although I do consider myself a seeker of truth. The journey started in late 2004 when I literally had to squeeze myself into my oversized office chair that sat in the office in my spare bedroom. I was working from home as a legal nurse consultant. Something just wasn't jiving in my life. The job didn't fit, I didn't fit. Not only did I not fit into my chair, I didn't fit into my life. Let there be no misunderstanding here – the only thing that did fit was my relationship with my amazing, loving, peaceful husband. He was and always will be my rock.

At the end of 2004 I weighed 220 pounds (I'm only five feet and a quarter inch tall). I was 41 years old. OLD. Not only did I not recognize myself in the mirror, I no longer recognized my spirit. In fact, it felt as though my spirit had up and left my body, leaving me in a shell of despair and certain that I would never again live, in the truest sense of the word. How I arrived at this destination of misery and discontent is unimportant now, because in January 2005 I took the first step on the journey of a lifetime, a trek in the mysterious jungle of insecurity and fear, and I forged forward.

Little did I know where that journey would lead me…

Monday, January 25, 2010

How Do You Feel Today? (Part 2)

Despite the impurities in food and water, and those chemicals that you ingest every day of your life, there is a way to not only release them from your body, but in doing so, you will be able to become more energetic, healthier, leaner, sleep better, have clearer skin, look and feel younger than ever, and feel happier than you’ve ever felt in your life. When your body is cleansed – every last cell in your body – you make it possible for your body to become the miracle it was intended to be! You make it possible for your body to fight disease, to heal, to slow down the aging process. Did you know that creaky joints and achy muscles, hearing loss, hardened arteries and bowel problems are NOT a normal part of the aging process? They only occur when our bodies become toxic and malnourished. Did you know cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment? Did you know that even our drinking water has become acidic? We strive to drink more water to facilitate an alkaline environment in our bodies. But the water itself is acidic and defeats the purpose! When you choose to cleanse impurities from your body and then feed your body super-nutrition, you are giving your body a fighting chance against the chemicals and free radicals that attack your cells daily.

I know I’m healthy. There’s no question. On a regular basis I cleanse my body deep down to the cellular level. I feed my body the cleanest super-food available. I’ve never felt better in my life!

How do you feel today?

How Do You Feel Today? (Part 1)

The information I received this weekend made my head spin! When I heard what is in our food and water, I became nauseous. Then I learned that when the USDA certifies food as organic, they place a minimum standard on it. Did you know that the definition of "free-range" is this: chickens that are kept in coops must be allowed access to a plot of land, and that plot of land is a 5 foot by 5 foot patch of dirt... and that the "free-range" is only allowed when the door of the coop is open, which actually is not often? Did you know that cows that are considered organically raised must have "access" to the outdoors, but that "access" is only a window through which light shines? And all along I believed that the chickens and cows that produced the food I consume were being allowed to peck and graze in a grassy meadow all day and breathe fresh air…

Did you know that bottled water is nothing more than tap water! Did you also know that water contains chemicals I can't even pronounce, let alone remember!? And that same water is loaded with prescription medications such as antidepressants, antibiotics, and countless others that have been improperly disposed of? I don't know about you, but personally, I am attempting to get OFF of my medications! I don't need this stuff gaining re-entry to my body!

We live in a world where everything we touch, or touches us, is toxic. We live in a world where we are led to believe that the food that we put in our bodies is good and healthy for us, and is clean. I LOVE to eat! Food is one of the great pleasures in my life. I love the medley of flavor and texture on my tongue. I love that "party in my mouth" experience! I have no plans to give up food! But what if I did give up food, knowing what I know now? Wouldn't I starve? Probably. But the truth is, even if you don't give up food, you're starving anyway. Want to know why? Because fruits and vegetables grown today are nutritionally bankrupt. The vitamin and mineral content has become depleted, because produce is grown in soil that is dirty. Okay, stop right there. I'm not even making a joke. It's dirty because it's over-farmed. It's dirty due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers. I heard an interesting story from a marine yesterday. He said that while he was stationed overseas, he was given processed food for meals, which included some sort of meat product. The soldiers thought it would be a cool experiment to take that meat and toss it onto the ground. Do you know what he said next? He said that over time, the meat never rotted, and there was never as much as one bug on that meat. Now seriously, if bugs won't even eat that meat, you think I'm getting anywhere near it?

Blogging - Who'd Have Thought?

Until a year or so ago, I thought a blog was a spec of schmutz on your face. Or a smudge on your eyeglasses. Forever I have believed journaling was for talented and seasoned writers with the ability to creatively and magically weave a tale before our eyes, with a well-respected list of best-sellers to their names. This just was not me. No. Never. Who on earth would want to hear what I had to say? I don't even possess the ability to verbally articulate my own thoughts sometimes.

But as the years went on, and more and more thoughts began to accumulate in my head, I realized I had a lot of clutter up there. I was hanging on to so many ideas and passions, and I just had to share them with someone, anyone who would listen. Then, against my will and better judgement, I was introduced to social media. I was told I could connect with friends, and it was fun, really it was! Okay, whatever you say. I joined Facebook. Can I just say "hi, my name is Beth and I'm ...". Get the picture? I started writing notes on Facebook and sharing them with everyone I know. I'm thinking, this is fun, and a little bit scary. Here I am, sharing my deepest thoughts and feelings with however many people are on my list of friends. I'm peeling back the protective armor of my vulnerability. And it's all good. A few of my friends have started their own blogs. They have something to say, and share with the world. And here I go thinking again... I'm thinking, I have something to share with the world too. And it's worthy, and important. Some of it is critical. Some of it is supportive. But all of it is mine - to share.

It's time to blog, baby!