Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Anxiety Sets In...

Today I received the e-mail from Isagenix informing me that I have been officially registered for the IsaBody Challenge. The challenge starts today. But I haven’t taken my “before” photo yet because my husband won’t be home until Friday. I don’t have a USA Today paper for date verification. And since I decided to participate in the IsaBody Challenge half-way through my first of two cleanse days, I didn’t measure myself. Already I’m feeling anxiety. I’m starting off on the wrong foot!
This morning I went to my local gym and took a tour, and as I was guided around the place I started feeling like I was watching myself from afar, sort of like an out of body experience. This isn’t me, I’m not really doing this, and I don’t know why I’m kidding myself because I’ve never followed through with these sort of plans before. As I sat down at the sales desk and reviewed my options of a month to month membership, or an 18 month contract for $6 less per month, the anxiety set in again. Would I even go to the gym every day, let alone continue going for 18 months to make that option worth my while?
I decided that I didn’t have to concern myself with these details. They’re all going to work themselves out. So what if I didn’t measure myself - I’ll gauge things by the way my clothes fit. Or, I’ll measure myself tomorrow. Who cares if I didn’t take the photo on the exact day that I started! My husband will take it when he gets home. These things matter, but they don’t matter as much as my belief in myself. 
After I put in a day’s work, what will my priority be? It will be “me time” at the gym, in a Zumba class to energize my body that has been sitting in a chair all day long; or it will be a yoga class, to calm my frazzled mind. 
Today, I have defined what it means to take time out for me. This is a first. And there’s  no anxiety about that!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth!

    Keep marching to the beat of your own drum. Your hubby will get the photos in due time and hit the gym when you feel inspired. Personally, I can't imagine going to the gym every single day. Three or four days a week is enough for me...but that's me. Everyone is different.

    I'll never be Jillian on "Biggest Loser." I'll never workout seven days a week...

    And hey, I'd LOVE to take a zumba class!!

    Way to go, Beth. I'll be reading your updates!

