Monday, January 25, 2010

Blogging - Who'd Have Thought?

Until a year or so ago, I thought a blog was a spec of schmutz on your face. Or a smudge on your eyeglasses. Forever I have believed journaling was for talented and seasoned writers with the ability to creatively and magically weave a tale before our eyes, with a well-respected list of best-sellers to their names. This just was not me. No. Never. Who on earth would want to hear what I had to say? I don't even possess the ability to verbally articulate my own thoughts sometimes.

But as the years went on, and more and more thoughts began to accumulate in my head, I realized I had a lot of clutter up there. I was hanging on to so many ideas and passions, and I just had to share them with someone, anyone who would listen. Then, against my will and better judgement, I was introduced to social media. I was told I could connect with friends, and it was fun, really it was! Okay, whatever you say. I joined Facebook. Can I just say "hi, my name is Beth and I'm ...". Get the picture? I started writing notes on Facebook and sharing them with everyone I know. I'm thinking, this is fun, and a little bit scary. Here I am, sharing my deepest thoughts and feelings with however many people are on my list of friends. I'm peeling back the protective armor of my vulnerability. And it's all good. A few of my friends have started their own blogs. They have something to say, and share with the world. And here I go thinking again... I'm thinking, I have something to share with the world too. And it's worthy, and important. Some of it is critical. Some of it is supportive. But all of it is mine - to share.

It's time to blog, baby!


  1. It is amazing how over the last few years this stuff has just exploded on the internet everyone can share there thoughts and it looks like they are. Honey, I remember you asked me a while ago "what is a blog?" and now you are a blogger. Way to go!!

  2. Welcome to your first "official" blog! It was only a matter of have so many beautiful thoughts to share. Thank you for being YOU!
